A Data Strategy for Ontario’s Nonprofit Sector

August 27, 2014
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On Wednesday August 27th, the Ontario Nonprofit Network hosted over two dozen people to discuss an Open Data Strategy for Ontario’s Nonprofit Sector.  We were all sent some material to read and videos to watch prior to the meeting:

The format of the meeting provided participants to share a brief summary of their relevant work underway and offer who they believed was missing from this initial conversation.

I mentioned the work of Creative Commons. In fact in a recent sit down with Ryan Merkely, Executive Director of Creative Commons, he shared the exciting work between Creative Commons and the Open Policy Network. He calls it:

“a coalition of organizations and individuals working to support the creation, adoption, and implementation of policies that require that publicly funded resources are openly licensed resources.” 

OPN has just announced their first round of 14 global fellows. There is a big opportunity for ONN to ensure that the next OPN Fellow Cohort includes someone from the province.

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