Salesforce Summer ’23 Release

June 16, 2023
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Here are our team's top five favourite features from Salesforce's most recent release notes; which ones caught your eye?

Layout Enhancements

Align Fields Horizontally in Field Sections

This modification to horizontally align fields with their neighbours in the same row improves the overall look of the record page.

Grantmaking organizations can use this feature to further customize their layouts to meet their needs. For example, if you'd like to have a two-column layout where the left column contains a picklist and the right column contains a corresponding description, this feature is for you!

options selection to change the layout to align fields horizontally
The new modification for horizontally aligning fields across the same row.

Mass Quick Actions on Related Lists (Beta)

We're particularly excited about this new feature (still in Beta) for our grantmaking clients. You'll now be able to make the same mass-updates that you've been making in list-views, in related lists! As an example, let's say you realize that one of your Funding Requests has a related list full of Requirements that need to be marked as complete. Rather than clicking into each one to edit them, you can do a mass update right from the Related List!

Salesforce opportunities page showcasing the ability to mass select and edit
The new mass quick action feature in action - this one will be a huge time saver!

Report & Dashboard Enhancements

Enhance Your Visualizations With Images, Rich Text, and Dashboard Widgets

Finally! Now you can customize your dashboards with headers, description text, and images. This will be particularly helpful for creating dashboards that are friendlier to board members and leadership. No more saving images of dashboard charts to add to your own customized presentation!

a menu showcasing the ability to select different types of visualizations
Dashboard enhancements are not only more visually pleasing, but also more functional and practical.

Permission Enhancements

Automate and Migrate User Access With User Access Policies (Beta)

No more worrying about remembering to assign new users to all of the right permissions - you can set criteria so that permissions are assigned automatically! They can still be overridden, of course, but this feature could save your administrator the headache of comparing User profiles to make sure everyone is assigned correctly. More information here. 

Enablement and Guidance

Provide More Detailed In-App Guidance with Targeted Prompts on Record Fields

You can now target any field on a record page, dynamic form, or the Create window with detailed guidance.

Want to make sure your Finance Officers are updating the Payment Date field and are on the same page about whether to use the sent date or the receipt confirmation date? You can now use in-app guidance to target a single field to provide instructions or flag which action is needed.

a screenshot showcasing targeted prompts
The new ability to provide detailed guidance with targeted prompts will facilitate collaboration and communication for back-end users.

See the full Summer ‘23 release notes here

Bonus: NEW Grantmaking product coming soon

In Spring of 2023, Salesforce announced that they would be releasing a new Grants Management solution, called Grantmaking, in July of 2023. While all previous solutions have been managed packages that sit “on top of” Salesforce, Grantmaking will be part of core Salesforce (a solution “built in” Salesforce), coming alongside the new Non-Profit Cloud industry solution.

There will be a number of factors to consider when deciding whether to implement this brand new paid solution or use the existing Outbound Funds Module. We’ll walk alongside you to help you make the right decision for your organization!

to daring grantmakers

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